
DAFEUS |Debating and Analysing the Future of the European Union as a federal System with Academia, Civil Society and Policy-Makers. Comparative experiences from multi-level systems

The DAFEUS project has four objectives. It enhances the debate on the future development of the EU, fosters public knowledge and awareness of EU politics, promotes EU studies in new research areas, and strengthens the exchange between both academics and practitioners as well as civil society and the general public.

By comparing the EU to federally organised countries, the project has shed new light on strengths and deficits of the EU’s political system. On this basis, DAFEUS has developed concrete recommendations how to make the EU and its federal elements more effective, more efficient and more democratic.

DAFEUS focusses on three key topics:

  1. Institutions and decision-making in federal systems
  2. Democracy in federal systems
  3. Differentiation in federal systems

DAFEUS combines academic research, public outreach and policy dialogue by organising three DAFEUS weeks, each of which includes a policy lab and an annual conference. The events bring together senior and junior experts with diverse academic and professional backgrounds, policy-makers, civil society organisations and the wider public.

The project’s output comprises a set of webcasts, including expert interviews and speeches, three background papers on the project’s key topics, three policy papers with recommendations from the policy labs, three conference reports with key results, a journal article and an edited volume gathering contributors to the project’s events. A state-of-the-art website and a corresponding online platform for debate via Facebook complement DAFEUS’ outreach activities.

DAFEUS is implemented by the Cologne Monnet Association for EU Studies (COMOS) in cooperation with the Université de Montréal, the Centre international de formation européenne and the University of Cologne.

Further information are available here.