DAFEUS Paper series

Paper series: The future of the European Union. Lessons from comparative federalism

In preparation of each DAFEUS conference, DAFEUS members prepared a working paper that introduced the participants and the interested public into the event's topic and main questions:

  • Johannes Müller Gómez: Still sui generis? The comparative turn in European Union studies
  • S. Christian Raphael: Democracy in a multilevel system. The EU and Canada compared

The DAFEUS policy labs served to discussed how the EU can be made more efficient, effective and democratic:

  • Tobias Kunstein: Debating the EU’s challenges and possible solutions
  • Magda Stummvoll & Alexandre Portes: How to make the Union more democratic
  • Hartmut Marhold: Federalism as a Solution to the Evolution of Centrifugal Forces in Western Societies

The main arguments and findings of the DAFEUS conferences have been summarised in detailed conference reports:

  • Lisa-Marie Hammelrath, Christian Raphael, Darius Ribbe & Belkis Tuncer: The future of the European Union. Comparative experiences from federal systems
  • Fulden Eskidelvan, Tobias Kunstein, Alice-Anna Oeter, Moritz Rau, Darius Ribbe, Steffen Schönhaar & Thomas Traguth: The future of the European Union Democracy in a multi-level and multi-national system

The European Commission support for the production of these publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.