DAFEUS Webcasts

DAFEUS produced 12 webcasts on different topics related to the future of the EU and on the lessons the EU can learn from other federal systems.

The webcasts are also available on COMOS' youtube channel.

The state of the EU as a democratic system

In this webcasts, Andrew Duff (Spinelli Group & DAFEUS advisory board) gives a talk on the state of the European Union as a democratic system and discusses potential reforms that could make the EU more democratic.

Crisis Management in multi-level systems and the EU

This DAFEUS Webcast comprises the most important statements of the panel discussion "Crisis management in multi-level systems and the EU" of our DAFEUS Conference 2018 on "The Future of the European Union" at the Université de Montréal. Frédéric Merand (Université de Montréal) compares the Canadian federal institutions and the European institutions in regard of the international economic and fiscal crisis.
Mireille Paquet (Concordia University) rather concentrates on whether there ‘was a migration crisis in Canada?’, by also criticising the term ‘crisis’ when dealing with ‘refugees’.

Democracy in multi-level and multi-national systems

This DAFEUS Webcast replays the panel discussion "Democracy in multi-level and multi-national systems" of our DAFEUS conference 2018 on "The Future of the European Union" at the Université de Montréal.
John Erik Fossum (University of Oslo) started the Panel with his input on “Democratic governance in the EU”. Laurie Beaudonnet (University of Montréal) went on to talk about „Les partis politiques dans le système multi-niveaux de l’Union européenne“. At last, Jean-François Godbout (University of Montréal) raised on “Multi-level and multi-national democracy in Canada”.

Message of the Consul General of Germany in Montréal

Message of the Consul General of Germany in Montréal, Markus Lang, after attending our DAFEUS conference 2018 on "The Future of the European Union" at the Université de Montréal.

Thinking about the EU in federal terms

This DAFEUS webcast captures the Round-table talk "Thinking about the EU in federal terms" at our DAFEUS conference 2018 on "The Future of the European Union" at the Université de Montréal. During the round table talk, chaired by Lori Thorlakson (University of Alberta), the two panelists John Erik Fossum (University of Oslo) and Jane Jenson (University of Montréal) gave different perspectives regarding the topic.

Democratic challenges in quasi-federal systems

The panel at our DAFEUS conference 2019 "The future of the European Union. Democracy in a multi-level and multi-national system" at the Centre international de formation européene, Nice, discusses the role of elections and political parties in quasi-federal systems. Experts involved in the panel are Linda Dieke (DLR), Sebastian Geßler (Augsburg University), César Colino (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Sophia Russack (Centre for European Policy Studies), Wolfgang Wessels (University of Cologne) and Lenka Rovná (Charles University).

Elections and political parties in quasi-federal systems

This DAFEUS webcast comprises the most important findings of the panel "Democratic challenges in quasi-federal systems" at our DAFEUS conference 2019 "The future of the European Union. Democracy in a multi-level and multi-national system" at the Centre international de formation européene, Nice. Experts involved in the panel are Andreas Raspotnik (Nord Universiteit), Lori Thorlakson (University of Alberta), Siebo Janssen (Heinz-Kühn-Bildungswerk), André Kaiser (University of Cologne) and Tobias Kunstein (University of Cologne).

The debate on the future of the European Union

In this DAFEUS Expert Interview, Wolfgang Wessels (University of Cologne) talks about the debate on the future of the European Union, how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the conference on the future of the European Union as well as about the role of the European Council.

Das (vermeintliche) Demokratiedefizit der Europäischen Union

This DAFEUS webcast displays the panel discussion "Das (vermeintliche) Demokratiedefizit der Europäischen Union: Wie kann Demokratie in multinationalen Gesellschaften funktionieren?" of 2019 with the following experts: Claudia Hefflter (DLR), Benedikt Pocha (SPD Bonn), Stefan Haußner (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Dirk Rochtus (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Johannes Müller Gómez (Université de Montréal & LMU München), and Alina Thieme (University of Cologne).

Das neue Europäische Parlament 2019

In this DAFEUS webcast, Siebo Janssen (Heinz-Kühn-Bildungswerk) talks about the new-elected European Parliament in 2019 and the advantages and disadvantages of the Spitzenkandidaten procedure

The EU and comparative federalism

In this webcast, DAFEUS project co-director Johannes Müller Gómez (LMU Munich & Université de Montréal) talks about the rationale of DAFEUS, the 'comparative turn' in European Union studies and the use of comparative federalism theories to study the EU.

Federalism and crisis management

In this DAFEUS expert interview, Prof Hartmut (Centre international de formation européenne & University of Cologne) and Alina Thieme (DAFEUS project co-director) discuss the capacity of federal systems to respond to crises.