DAFEUS week 2020 in Vienna

The third DAFEUS week, which was planned to take place in Vienna from 30 May to 2 June 2020, had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus would have been on the future of the European Union as a system of differentiated integration and on the question what the European Union can learn from Canada.

The call for participation for the DAFEUS policy lab, which was planned to be held on 30 and 31 May 2020, is available here:

The third DAFEUS conference on "Differentiation and asymmetries in multi-level systems. What can the European Union learn from Canada?" was planned to be held after the DAFEUS policy on 1 and 2 June 2020.

The draft programme is available here:

The DAFEUS week 2020 was planned in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS, Vienna) and the University of Cologne.

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